
Design: expectation vs reality

In a world where technology is developing faster than light, creating a web page has long outgrown the scope of simply presenting information. Today it is important not only to attract the user’s attention, but also to provide him with a comfortable interaction with the content, regardless of the device he is on.

In this game between technological trends and user needs, designers and layout designers act as real architects of the virtual world. Their task is not only to create an aesthetically pleasing design, but also to harmoniously combine it with high adaptability, taking into account the variety of devices and screens on which web pages will be viewed.

When work on the visual part of the project is completed and all the layouts are ready, it’s time to transfer them to development. And so that after “connection with the engine” everything remains as beautiful as in the layout, it is necessary to achieve complete harmony between the designer and developer.

So why is interesting and unusual design not always good?
Let's start with responsive design, this design method is an approach to creating a website that ensures optimal display of content on different devices and screens. The point is that the site automatically adapts its appearance and structure to the conditions of the specific device on which the user is viewing it. This includes changing the size and layout of elements to ensure ease of use on desktops, tablets, smartphones and other devices.

The importance of responsive design is due to several aspects:
User friendliness:

Responsive design makes the site easy to use on any device, which is important to meet the diverse needs of users. Site visitors can access content without inconvenience, no matter what device they are on.

Increased conversion:

Making a site usable across multiple devices helps improve conversions, as users are more likely to interact with a site that provides them with a quality, seamless experience regardless of device.

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engines like Google place great importance on mobile optimization. Responsive design contributes to better ranking in search results, especially after the introduction of the Mobile-first index principle. (Simply put, sites that are designed for mobile devices will be promoted better than those that are designed simply for desktop computer monitors)

There are two main approaches to responsive design: responsive and adaptive/progressive enhancement.

1. Responsive Design:
Main idea:

This method uses a flexible grid and media queries to allow web page elements to change their size and position depending on the device screen size.


One universal version of the site that adapts to different screens, ensuring consistency and user friendliness.


Sometimes there may be unnecessary data loads for mobile devices because all the content is loaded and then hidden using CSS. This may result in additional traffic costs for mobile users.

2. Adaptive/Progressive Enhancement:
Main idea:

Here basic versions of the site are created that can be loaded quickly on all devices. Additional features and styles are then added as capabilities become available.


More efficient use of resources as lighter versions of the site can be served to users with limited bandwidth or lower device capabilities.


It is possible that users with more powerful devices will have a less rich experience than those with less advanced devices.

Both approaches have their pros and cons, and the choice between them depends on the specific needs of the project and the target audience.

Let's talk about the headings... It would seem that there could be something important here, but I would like to note that during the layout process, the layout designer establishes a single style for headings, indents and texts, if one is absent in the design. This greatly simplifies his tasks and ensures uniformity in styles. For example, if the entire layout uses different styles for the tag, the layout designer will standardize them, avoiding additional difficulties for developers.

To create standardized padding, a simple rule is used, where the height is divided by 4: 4, 8, 12... up to 64. This is a generally accepted fact, but designers sometimes ignore it, which can lead to a lack of standardization of padding for similar blocks on different pages. Attention to such details helps improve operational efficiency and create a more consistent and professional design.

Working with the backend can be a bit challenging, but understanding the basic principles isn't too difficult. For example, loops are often used to solve problems involving repeating content, such as product columns on a website or image galleries.

Let's say a designer has created a layout with four columns, each of which takes up 1/4 of the site's width. This is where using the simple formula "1 loop repeat = 1 column" works great. However, when working with a tablet layout, the designer can choose a non-standard approach: the first column takes up 100% of the width, the second - 50%, and the third consists of two nested columns.
When developing a website, it is important to consider that each element, be it text, a logo or the choice of color palette, carries certain information about the brand. Part of the appeal of "visually lightweight" websites is that they don't require as much work from the eyes and brain to perceive, store, and process information.

When core elements don't serve their purpose, developers often add unnecessary elements and images to the site, which increases visual complexity and can disrupt the overall aesthetics of the site. Optimizing a page for efficient processing of visual information, including facilitating the transfer of information from the eyes to the brain, is about conveying the maximum amount of information with the minimum number of elements.

The principle of "BREATHING - B R E A T H I N G" emphasizes the importance of creating space and simplifying design, which makes information easier to perceive and understand.
It is also important to mention the principle of cognitive fluency; it involves creating interfaces and visual solutions that are easily perceived and understood by users without undue effort. The main idea is to reduce the cognitive load on the user by providing a fast and intuitive interaction with the product or information.

In conclusion, creating websites and products that adhere to the principles of cognitive fluency is a key factor for successful user interaction. The importance of considering three main aspects in design is emphasized: programming, simplicity and adaptability.

Taking programming into account involves creating a convenient and structured design that makes the layout designer’s work easier in the future.

Considering responsiveness involves thinking about how your design will be used across devices to reach a larger audience, improve usability, and promote SEO.

Finally, taking into account the so-called simplicity is a design that is pleasing and easy on the eyes, which allows the user to navigate your site on an intuitive level!
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