
How to register a develop account in Google Play

The Android platform occupies a huge niche in the mobile application industry. Therefore, many entrepreneurs order the development of a mobile application on this operating system. But to publish a finished project in the Play Market store, you need to have an appropriate developer account, the intricacies of which our article is devoted to.

Why do you need a developer account?

To promote your business using an application, you need not only to take care of its creation, but also not to forget about the presentation to potential users and clients. And for this, the finished application must be published in the Play Market. Almost each of us has an active Google account, which gives us access to email, documents, photos and other popular services of the corporation, including the Play Market.

But with a standard user account, you can only download applications, books, movies and other content in this store. To publish your own programs, you will need a special developer account, with which you can download applications and study statistics on their use. The registration procedure will take approximately 1-2 days and will cost $25.

What is Google Play Console?

One of the most important tools for promoting an application on Google Play is the Play Developers Console.

Google Play Console is the developer's account where your mobile application is directly stored. If you have the username and password of the account owner, then go there. If not, ask for a custom level of access to your email with the permissions you need. But in order to effectively promote an application on Google Play, it is better to turn to specialists.

The console has wide functionality for conducting marketing campaigns and product support.

Here you can see the number of installations of your application on various devices, as well as how many users have installed it. In addition, information is provided on the number of deletions per day, overall and daily rating (average rating of the application for the entire period and per day). In the report on active users, you can see the number of users who opened the application at least once a day, as well as find out the dynamics. This section contains information about new users. This data is only available to those who have installed the Google Analytics SDK app.

You can also generate a report with data by traffic sources and data by country.

You can select data for a day, a week or a month.

Unique visitors to the app page in the store.

The number of users who installed the application after viewing it.

Number of buyers.

Repeat customers.

The console allows you to view the dynamics of ratings by day, week, month and evaluate how users perceived the implementation of a new application. You can also communicate with users who write you requests/complaints in reviews in the store.

Console Developer provides recommendations and shows you what you've already done. For example, it advises adding screenshots for tablets if your application supports such devices.

Look at what is displayed on the store page - language, short description, full description, icon, graphic materials.

Creating a developer account on Google Play

If you decide to create a personal developer account, go to the Google Play Console page, where the registration procedure will take place. You must sign in to an existing Google account or register a new account. Please note that the last name, first name and date of birth specified when registering your email must match the same data in the document that you will use in the future to confirm your identity.

Users will visit the developer's page on Google Play or a special URL that you share with them. It will contain information about your brand and the applications that you have published on Google Play.

Procedure for registering a developer account:

  1. Create or use a ready-made Google account.
  2. Open Play Console.
  3. From the left menu, select Developer Page.
  4. Add the required information.
  5. Pay for your account. Click on the “Proceed to Payment” button and in the form that opens, enter the details of the card with which you plan to pay for your account, and the name will be automatically duplicated from your Google account. Now click on the “Buy” button, and $25 will be debited from the card if all the data was entered correctly.
  6. Save your changes.

After completing all the steps, it will take some time to save the data. A preview of the developer's page URL will become available within an hour, and the page will appear on Google Play within 24 hours. Changes made to the finished page will take effect within an hour.

Mandatory information to be provided:


Physical adress. This should be specified if you are selling in-app content or paid apps. Please provide a valid mailing address where you can be contacted.

Advertising text. Provide users with a brief description of the brand (no more than 140 characters). To add translations of advertising text into another language or change existing translations, click Add translations.

Developer logo. Add a 32-bit PNG file measuring 512x512 px.

Cover. Add a JPG file or a 24-bit PNG file (without alpha channel) measuring 4096x2304 px.

Additional Information:

Website address. Indicate the URL of the official website of the brand or company.

Main application. Select an app to be featured prominently on the developer page. You can search by the name of the package or the application itself.

ID confirmation

More recently, Google has made the developer registration procedure somewhat more complicated. Now, to complete it, you need to send a photo or scanned documents confirming the user’s identity. To do this, click on the “Confirm Identity” button; the country, first and last name will already be indicated in the window that opens. This data is pulled from your Google account and must match the data in the uploaded document. In the same form, indicate your address and upload a photo or scanned copy of the document. This could be a passport, driver's license, international passport or any other document from the list offered by the service.

The uploaded image must be clear, the photo and all completed data must be clearly visible and readable, otherwise the registration application may be rejected and the $25 previously deposited will simply be lost. After uploading the image and filling out the form fields, you can send a registration request by clicking on the “Submit” button. The data verification process takes 1-2 days. If the procedure was successful, then in your developer account you will see the message “Identity Confirmed”. This completes the registration, and you can work with the service and download applications to the Play Market.

The process of creating an account for a developer in Google Play is much simpler and much faster compared to the App Store, but it has its own nuances. To successfully register, you need to study possible pitfalls, the intricacies of the procedure and account settings, and pay special attention to ASO optimization.

KitApp studio specialists will create a mobile application for Android, help you register a developer account and advise on all issues related to the process of posting and optimizing the application in the Play Market.

How to delete a developer page

If such a need arises, you can delete your page. After that, in the “Other applications from this developer” section, they will only be able to see a list of your applications.

To delete a page you need to follow a few simple steps:

Open Play Console.

From the left menu, select Developer Page.

At the bottom of the page, click Remove.
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