
Website and application development processes

Technology for developing websites and mobile applications is a question that interests many novice programmers and inquisitive clients who want to know the real cost of developing websites and applications.
You can buy website development anywhere, but how competent are the developers? Let's delve into the process of creating websites and understand what a programmer does.

The most convenient way to understand the process of website development is to think of it as a two-way process:
· the interface part (front-end development) is the client-oriented side of a website or application, which is engaged in programming the part of the system visible to users.
· internal part (backend development) is the server part, which includes the server, server application (supported by the internal programming language) and database.

Front-End development

Web frontend development is also called client side programming. It is used to create a part of a website or application that users can see on their screens. Interface programming languages:
· HTML (hypertext markup language);

· CSS (Cascading Style Sheets);

· JavaScript.

When creating the front end of a program, developers use wireframes that help them save time and speed up the web development process. The most popular website development tools - frameworks used in HTML and CSS - are Bootstrap, Foundation and Stylus. There is also a significant selection of JavaScript frameworks such as Vue, Angular, Ember or Backbone.

By the way, using the above “process accelerators” is good, but at an interview it is better for the developer to show something else. Read more about this in the article:

Not all website development tools are good
Back-End development

Back-end web development covers a selection of servers, databases, caching systems, server-side programming languages and their frameworks. In other words, it refers to the part of the program that is not visible to end users.

Servers are responsible for receiving and processing requests coming from user devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc.). Some of the most popular web servers are:

· Apache HTTP server;

· IIS.

Databases are used to store, sort, search, filter, calculate and present data according to requests received from the client side of the web application. Databases are important for many web services, such as e-commerce sites. They can be relational and non-relational. Typical relational databases are PostgreSQL and MySQL. MongoDB and Apache Cassandra are non-relational databases.

Modern web applications need caching systems like Memcached or Redis more than ever.

The caching system is used to process and reduce traffic load at the database level.
Back-end or server-side programming languages are used to enable communication between servers, databases, and the client side of a website or application.

The purpose of the role of frameworks is to provide simple and efficient coding. Some of the common programming languages (and their frameworks) today are:

· Python (Django, Flask);

· Java (spring);

· Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment;

· Ruby (Ruby on Rails);

· PHP (Laravel);

· Rock (Play).
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