
Between the user and the interface: what is the difference between web, UX and UI design

A UX designer designs the user journey, a UI specialist creates a user-friendly interface, and a web designer combines both directions. Let's figure out what the difference is and who solves what problems.
What is the difference between web, UX and UI design
The main difference between web, UX and UI designers is their area of responsibility and specialization. A UX designer is responsible for User Experience (from English “user experience”) and usability, a UI designer is responsible for User Interface (from English “user interface”), that is, visual presentation. And a web designer creates web applications taking both of these directions into account.

We can say that a web designer is a universal specialist who understands several areas, while UX and UI designers are specialists of a more narrow profile. To summarize, UI is visual, and UX is the usability of a product.
If we imagine that the product is a cottage, then the UX designer will design the number and location of rooms, the UI designer will decide what materials, colors and shapes the walls, ceiling, roof and porch will be made of, and the web designer will be the main architect , who is responsible for the project as a whole.
Unlike UX and UI designers, a web designer must understand several areas. Not only to design user experience and know the basics of usability, composition, typography and color, but also to be able to set tasks for layout designers, know how to test and improve website conversion. Compared to a web designer, UX and UI designers are younger specialties that have separated from the originally unified direction.
Today, the distinctions between the three areas are blurring: each of the specialists in question has to think through the user's interaction with the product. The difference remains in terms of creativity: a web designer is a more creative specialty than a UI/UX designer.
Often UX and UI tasks on small projects are performed by one specialist, he is called a UX/UI designer. He studies the product from a user experience perspective, creates prototypes and draws interface details.
In vacancies you can find the options “Web designer UX/UI” or “product designer” - employers do not always separate related areas of design, so when looking for a job it is worth trying different combinations and looking at descriptions of specific tasks.

You can learn how to create layouts for websites and services of any complexity in the “Web Designer” course. Over nine months of training, students master the nuances of working with Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Tilda, and learn to understand the layout of websites and web applications.
Web Design Principles
Any product drawing includes research and interface-oriented parts, so separating the principles of web, UX and UI design is the same as describing the front and hind legs of a racehorse separately.
Good design solves problems for a business and its customers. A beautiful website arouses interest in the first few seconds, but if the user does not understand how to buy tickets, make an appointment with a doctor, or send an application, beauty is of little use.
To create a high-quality, beautiful and user-friendly design, it’s enough to remember Jakob Nielsen’s ten usability heuristics - these are rules that help create a clear and responsive product
Principles of UI/UX design
The principles of UI/UX design were discussed in detail by Steve Krug in the bestseller “Don’t Make Me Think. Web usability and common sense." Let us briefly formulate the main ones:

● Adapt the design to the person, not the person to the design. For example, the user will not cover the hint located above the input line with his hand when typing.
● Use system memory, not user memory. We delegate large amounts of information, dates and complex calculations to the machine.
● Value the user's effort and data—the interface should save data rather than force the user to re-enter it each time. For example, when ordering pizza, automatically save the address and offer to use it the next time you order.
● Take care of the meaning of each screen - each page should be understandable on its own, without reference to previous and subsequent ones.
● Provide continuous feedback - the user must always understand what is happening and where they are in the process.
● Avoid unnecessary entities - instead of introducing a new element for a function, it is worth thinking about how to give it to an existing one.
What does a web designer do?
A web designer is a generalist who creates the design of web applications and other visual representations of a brand or product. Standard web designer tasks combine UX and UI. He looks at references and finds out the preferences of the target audience, prototypes user behavior and develops layouts for the future website. The result of the work of such a specialist can be different: from a landing page or banner on the main page to a full-fledged website.

Here's what a web designer does:

● thinks through the user’s path;
● comes up with a visual solution suitable for the task;
● develops prototypes and layouts;
● creates animation, logos and brand identity;
● adapts the design of landing pages, websites and applications for different mobile devices.
What does a UI designer do?
The main task of a UI designer is to draw a convenient and user-friendly interface for a website or application based on the prototypes developed by the UX designer. The UI designer is responsible for the user’s interaction with the interface: how quickly the client can navigate a new website or application in order to solve his problem and take the target action.
Another important task is to express the emotions of the brand through the visual components of the product: fonts, colors, icons, etc.
Here's what a UI designer does:

● decides how the site and individual blocks will look;
● draws every interface element from the registration or order form to every button and bullet point;
● compiles a UI-Kit - a document that describes all graphical interface elements, typography and colors;
● monitors the consistency of the product - its stylistic uniformity;
● takes care of the adaptability of the design so that the site is equally convenient to interact with from a laptop and from smartphones with different screen resolutions.
What does a UX designer do?
The main task of a UX designer is to design a successful user experience. The interface should help the user solve his problems: buy a product, arrange delivery, select a hotel or insurance according to the required parameters. To create a clear interface, you need to research user experiences and behavior patterns. Another important part of the preparation is the analysis of existing products on the market, their successful and problematic solutions, and a comprehensive study of the process of user interaction with the product.
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