
Apply for DUNS Number - How to Get a DUNS Number | TRUiC

D-U-N-S number - international identifier of legal entities. In Russia, it is obtained voluntarily in one case: when a development company needs to be registered in the AppStore.

We'll tell you how to get this number for free and save 12,240.

Why do you need a number?

Apple uses the D-U-N-S number to verify that your company exists. The numbers are assigned by D&B, which Apple has entrusted with all responsibilities for verifying legal entities.

Until you receive a D-U-N-S number, you will not be able to continue the procedure for registering an account for a legal entity. Receiving the number will take from seven to thirty business days.

Can be issued for a fee in five days

There is a D&B representative office in Russia that helps you obtain a D-U-N-S number. They will be happy to arrange a room for 12,240 rubles, you just need to leave a request on the website.

Can be issued for free in 30 days

Spoiler: it took us 13 days.

We decided to conduct an experiment and get a number for one of our customers, who was just about to publish an application from a legal entity. On the official D&B website they asked if it was possible to get a number for free. The agency representative first wanted to transfer us to the Russian-language representative office, but we clarified that Interfax - Dun and Bradstreet offers only paid services. Five minutes later we became the owner of a link to receive a number for free.

Let's go step by step.

1. Follow the link. Register on the site.

2. We accept the terms of the user agreement

3. Click on the blue button to get a number for free

4. We try to find the company in the registry. We didn't find the one we needed - we tried to add it to the database by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.

The site did not allow me to change the region from America to Russia; the field was inactive. Therefore, we wrote to the support service at

5. A letter with instructions arrived on the same day. We were asked to send information about the company:
They answered the questions in English and attached a scan of the OGRN to the letter. Please note that your company name on the Apple and D&B websites must be exactly the same.

6. Nothing happened for two weeks, we sent a clarifying letter to D&B. The answer came that the application would be considered for another ten days. And the next day they sent a D-U-N-S number by email.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

12 thousand is not such a large amount, but not small either. It's a shame to give it away just because you don't know English. Don't be afraid to ask and clarify. In any unclear situation, write to support.
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