
What does the future hold for mobile app development?

Time flies. Trends come, trends go. New technologies are coming. And, probably, some of this will become the norm, and some will become obsolete. But mobile app development is still in trend. And needless to say, she settled down there thoroughly. Over time this becomes more and more obvious.

We are already in 2020. And as usual, like every year, this year we will also see some mobile app development trends growing and successfully making a significant mark in the technology industry.

So, let's take a look at the main forecasts and trends in the mobile app development market this year. And let's try to find out where the future of mobile application development is heading.

So, what will be relevant in the future in terms of mobile application development?

Beacon technology
Smart applications with artificial intelligence and machine learning
Changes in 5G wireless services
Next generation app with AR/VR technology
Rise of the Bots
Instant mobile apps
AMP comes into effect
IoT applications
Cloud Applications

#1 Time of "Lighthouse"

It is one of the latest technologies that utilizes the power of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signals. Thus, it helps in connecting enterprises and businesses with their customers.

Various industries such as healthcare, hospitality, museums, etc. are quite aware of the true power of this future technology. According to experts, Beacon technology, together with other promising IoT technology, has the potential to revolutionize the retail sector.

So how does Beacon work? If your device has a mobile application for using Beacon beacons, then each time the device enters the zone, this application picks up the signal and, accordingly, shows the corresponding notifications to the device owners.
You probably already know about iBeacon and Eddystone from tech giants like Apple and Google. And soon you will see Beacon becoming a major part of mobile app development for iOS and Android devices.

Briefly about the upcoming trends from Beacon:

travel and tourism industry using Beacon;
mobile payment from Beacon;
transformation of games using Beacon.

#2 Smart apps with AI and ML

Artificial intelligence (AI) is always in the spotlight. And it will remain for a long time. Experts predict that the artificial intelligence industry is expected to grow to $47 billion by the end of this year. And looking at how the tech industry is using it, it seems that this figure could grow much more than expected.
Google introduced Duplex to the market and thereby showed an example of how AI is taking over all industries, including mobile application development.
AI has already transformed the landscape of e-commerce and is now opening up opportunities for the next generation of healthcare. Now that businesses have begun to combine AI with ML and deep learning, new invaluable insights will be found that companies will then use to their advantage to grow.

Moreover, when combined with other futuristic IoT technology, users don't even have to lift a finger to complete a task! Yes, AI is so powerful that it turns into reality what previously seemed like science fiction.

A little about upcoming AI trends:
AI-enabled chips;
automation of IT functions using AIOps;
interaction between neural networks;
adaptive battery for extended battery life;
voice and language translations.

#3 5G wireless technology brings change

5G wireless technology is on the list of trends among mobile application development. And at the same time it gains incredible speed, that is, almost 100 times faster than the 4G network. Experts are already saying that 5G is the future.
World famous companies such as Samsung and Verizon are already working on bringing 5G-ready chips to the market. LG is also not far behind in introducing this wireless technology into its devices.

And speed is not the only differentiating factor here. 3D gaming, data security, augmented reality (AR) will all change thanks to this advanced wireless technology.

#4 APM and EMM

Application Performance Management (APM) and Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) are not new to enterprise mobile app development. They have both been an integral part of this space for quite some time.

Typically, application performance slows down due to various types of errors. To minimize this problem, APM was created, which resulted in an increase in the overall functional performance of the application. Today, APM is a vital part of mobile application testing tools, which are used specifically to ensure quality assurance.
The EMM platform helps strengthen the security architecture of mobile devices used by industry employees. In addition, EMM easily allows data exchange across various mobile devices. Undoubtedly, this has a good effect on increasing the productivity and efficiency of employees.

#5 New generation of apps with AR/VR technology

AR and VR technologies are largely known in the entertainment and gaming industry. The good news is that AR/VR will expand its presence in other sectors this year.
World famous brands such as IKEA and Sephora are already using AR technology in their applications. Thus, these brands are successful in delivering top-notch UX, resulting in higher conversion rates.
Instagram and Snapchat are also using AR technology. How? Fun and creative stickers or unique animated touches are what AR technologies are all about.

Here's a quick look at how AR can change the mobile app industry
advanced healthcare applications;
improving advertising and marketing with AR;
AR in production.

To be frank, VR still needs a little time to become mainstream. But advanced applications such as Tilt Brush or Google Cardboard show their example of integration into virtual reality.

#6 Rise of the Bots

Industry experts believe that by the end of this year, more than 80% of business interactions will be carried out using chatbots.

When companies can interact with their potential customers in real time, the chances of converting them into customers become greater. And chatbots help businesses do this.

The e-commerce and healthcare sectors have already witnessed how chatbots can improve customer interactions while providing their customers with a higher level of treatment. Any request at any time of the day - chatbots are always nearby, everything is configured with informative and human responses depending on the requests!
Not surprisingly, Global Market Insight reports that the global chatbot market will reach US$1.34 billion by 2024.

#7 Instant Mobile Apps

Don't want to download an app on your smartphone but still want to use it? Instant mobile apps will give you this opportunity.
Agree, sometimes it happens that you are not sure whether you should download the application at all. Let's say you decide to check out its basic features before deciding to download. So, instant mobile apps allow you to use the full version of the application without having to download it.

Thus, instant apps are gaining immense popularity among their target audience. Moreover, these apps have other benefits such as smaller size, impressive user interface, no device memory usage, website functionality and much more.
The New York Times mentioned that by launching the instant app, they significantly increased their conversion rate from 20% to almost 27%. Android users can find the Google Instant Apps app now in the Google Play Store.
Experts believe that instant apps will definitely set a new trend in mobile app development.

#8 AMP comes into effect

Well, together with Twitter, Google introduced AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) - a technology for accelerated mobile pages.
Developers can now easily create feature-rich, heavy sites that load very quickly while delivering high-quality performance and lower bounce rates.

Now that Google has integrated AMP into its mobile search results, developers can significantly reduce the loading time of web pages. Along with the benefits mentioned earlier, AMP undoubtedly helps in user retention.

Google has stated that they will soon introduce a mobile search box. With its help, it will be easier to highlight sites that are convenient for mobile devices.

#9 IoT takes over application management

Imagine being woken up by your alarm only to find that your morning coffee is already brewing! Or suppose you can't remember whether you turned off the lights when you left the house or not. With just one tap on your smartphone, you can do it instantly! Great, right? And this is possible thanks to the integration of IoT into mobile applications.
The concept of smart home is growing only on the basis of this futuristic technology. And companies are simply obsessed with investing in the development of applications for smart homes.
And it’s not just about smart homes or smart cities. According to German online portal Statista, by the end of this year, the total number of IoT connected devices will reach more than 30.73 billion.
With the help of advances in IoT, smart and self-driving cars are expected to see significant growth this year and beyond, according to market experts.

#10 Cloud Applications

Cloud applications are becoming the new favorites of industry companies. And the reason for this is undoubtedly the unlimited space provided by such applications. Additionally, scalability is another important reason why cloud-based applications will remain trending this year and beyond.
Here are some benefits you can get by integrating cloud technologies into your mobile app development process:

lower equipment costs;
more streamlined operations;
improved interaction;
increased productivity;
reduced load on hosting.

Cloud computing trends to watch this year:

hybrid cloud solutions;
quantum computing.

In conclusion, we can say that the mobile app development space is growing more and more with time. New technologies are being introduced that give app developers much more opportunities to create amazing apps.
But, apart from the list mentioned above, you should keep in mind that blockchain is another new technology that is also aiming to become mainstream. Additionally, this year we are likely to see mobile app security reach new heights, along with next-level UX and predictive analytics.
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