
How much does website development cost?

The cost of website development depends on many factors, and it is impossible to say exactly how much a website will cost without knowing the details of the project. To calculate the price, developers must be informed of at least project requirements such as technology stack (if the client has any preferences regarding this), functionality and project deadline.

However, it is possible to calculate an approximate cost based on the time it takes to create a particular type of website or development stage.

Cost of website development by type

Cost of development for popular categories of websites. For convenience, we will express the cost in hours, and not in monetary terms. This is because different software development companies may have different rates per hour.

Business card or business website

As a rule, such business websites serve as a business card of the company on the Internet. In other words, they are created so that the client can contact the company online and, as a rule, do not contain any complex functionality.
Business websites consist of several pages, most often including pages such as “About Us”, “Contacts”, “Blog”. As we already mentioned, such sites rarely have complex logic and use simple functions such as support for downloadable content or newsletter subscriptions.
Accordingly, the average amount of time spent by developers on creating a business website from scratch can vary from 190 to 260 hours of development. The time depends entirely on the amount of functionality, as well as the complexity of the design and animation.

Online stores
E-commerce sites range from small to large online stores. It is difficult to predict even approximately their functionality, since everything depends on the specific needs of the business. The average time it takes developers to create an e-commerce website can range from 350 to 750 hours.

Landing page
This is a website consisting of one single page. As a rule, sites of this type are created to motivate customers to take certain actions, such as purchasing 1-2 products or participating in a conference. Such sites are quite minimalistic and do not have many functions, so as not to distract visitors from the main goal.
Creating a landing page typically requires 20 to 40 hours of development. The number of development hours also depends on the complexity of the animation.

Cost of development in stages

If you want to create a website from scratch, you must be prepared to go through (and pay for) several development steps, which we will discuss below.

Site design
Developers cannot write code out of nothing, so before starting web development they need to visualize the future product. UI/UX designers create a website design and can take anywhere from 15 to 80 hours to complete. The more complex the site, the more time they may require.

Client-side development
The client side of your site is all that your users can see. Roughly speaking, the client side is a sketch of the UI/UX that has been recreated in code so that browsers can read and render it. The duration of this stage depends on the number of pages of your site, its adaptability, and complexity of animation. Accordingly, for developers this stage can take from 20 to 250 hours.

Server side development
This stage covers all functions that require connection to the server. For example, registering on a server. Most of the functionality is developed on the server side, and its complexity directly affects the time it takes developers. This can take from 80 to 250 hours or more.

The site also needs a content management system to manage orders, add content, etc. There are many ready-made solutions such as WordPress, Shopify and other CMS. However, Futureinapps develops its own unique admin panel for each project, which makes your site unique and convenient. The unique Futureinapps management system allows you to endlessly add new functionality to the site and constantly be on trend.
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