
UI/UX - when millions of people get it wrong

UI/UX concept is like Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs, which is neither a pyramid nor needs. And the hierarchy of motivations in the process of healthy human development, expressed through needs. And according to the author’s description, it looks something like this:
The same thing happens with the terms UI and UX. Many specialists, teachers, educational institutions, recruitment and business in general, interpret concepts without comparing them with the material part.

To summarize the interpretations, UI is about how the interface looks, UX is its logic and how convenient it is for the user to interact with it.

Let's turn to the current revision of the ISO standard from 2017 and verified in 2022.

components of an interactive system (software or hardware) that provide the user with information and controls to perform specific tasks using the interactive system.

a set of software and hardware that allows a user to interact with a computer system.

an interface that allows information to be transferred between a human user and the hardware or software components of a computer system.

all components of an interactive system (software or hardware) that provide the user with information and controls to perform specific tasks using the interactive system.

Not a word about “what it looks like.” There is no talk of any division into either visualization or logic. UI is a complex concept that already includes both.

What the so-called “UI/UX” specialists do is the development of GUI (graphic use interface) and information architecture. Continuing the “Looks” theme, are you saying that Alice, Alexa, and the third-generation iPod Shuffle don’t have a user interface if they don’t have visualization? is there only UX, only experience?

These products have navigation and nesting/categories and lists. There are elements for selecting a “command” instead of a click, and even “pre-action” elements, similar to the behavior of a mouse on a button, which verify the correctness of the user’s impulse: Alice clarifies, the iPod Shuffle gives a sound signal.

Don’t like the standard, it’s dryly written, too general and one-sided only about the UI? Okay, let's take a look at Don Norman's words. The person who coined the term and concept of “User Experience”. Don literally says, “People get UX wrong. A website or app cannot have UX.” Below is a video interview and a text translation into Russian.

“Experience” is when you first learn about a product, when you see it in a store, when you buy it. When you "Oh" sigh and can't fit that big box in the car. And finally you get it home, open the box and think “This looks scary, I don’t know if I can put it together.” All this is User Experience. Everything related to interaction with the product. And this may not directly concern the product itself. For example, when you tell someone about him. This is what we had in mind when we coined the term UX and opened the User Experience Department at Apple.

Today this term is completely misunderstood. People say: “I’m a UX designer, I design websites and apps.” They don't understand what they are doing. They think UX is about the device, website or app...

No! UX is everything: how you interact with the world, how you live your life, how you interact with a service, or, yes, an application or computer. But this system includes EVERYTHING.

Either I’m blind and don’t see where in the ISO standard it says “what it looks like,” or Norman is wrong and all his work to popularize the correct interpretation of UX within the framework of the Nielsen Norman Group project isn’t worth a penny!? I look forward to your comments on where you learned about UI/UX and where the hardware of this knowledge is, in addition to what is written in the course of Yandex.Practice, Skillbox, Skillfactory and others (insert any brand).

Comrade, colleague, fellow interface designer who has hit the ceiling, if you are already a GUI freak and are looking for further development in the profession, do not go to companies with UI/UX vacancies. In them, people have no idea about UX, or Don Norman is wrong.
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